Wednesday, April 23, 2008


For returning guests, welcome to our little drink mixing blog. BlondeMers & I have sworn to only provide recipes for the most delectable cocktails imaginable. Since we are blogging from deep down in Alabama, we thought we’d provide a recipe that is not only easy breezy to make, but is perfect for sipping out on the veranda, (cause down here we all have verandas of course). After much consideration we decided that nothing fits the bill better than a long cold tall Mojito! This scrumptious beverage will not only tickle your taste buds, but it will tickle your nose as a bonus.

Recipe Courtesy of “Fine Living”

Mojito Ingredients:
fresh mint
fresh lime juice
white or light rum
club soda
ice (a couple of the handy little artificial cubes keep the glass cool)
superfine sugar
Simple sugar syrup: Ahead of time, heat equal parts of sugar and water in a saucepan until sugar is completely dissolved. Pour into a container — it will keep for a couple of weeks in refrigerator.

Cocktail: Place mint leaves and a tablespoon of simple syrup in a glass and mash mint and syrup with spoon to release the minty flavor. (We use a wooden muddler instead of a spoon). Add lime juice and two shots of rum and shake. Pour over glass filled with ice then top with club soda. Garnish and enjoy. (If you'll notice in the first photo I'm using the "aqua cubes" in addition to regular ice to keep my beverage extra frosty. For more information on these great little cubes that I continuously find uses for, refer to the prior blog entitled #001 Ice Ice Baby.

So there you have it! In my opinion this version makes the best Mojito. I like to garnish mine with a straw & of course a tall leggy blonde.

Love everybody in the room,


Notable: Our next blog should finally have a little multi-media action for ya so please add us to your bookmark & come back for a peek. We are unveiling; or perhaps a better word would be “unleashing” several new features including the long promised personally demonstrated drink mixing tutorials.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Like most couples, Sundays for Mav and me are all about long mornings in bed, prolonging the showering process, mindless television and good cookin’. Of course, mixing the above tranquilizers with a self-concocted depressant never hurts. If you are looking for a nice drink to kick back with on your Sunday… I have your fix.

This will be a quick post because we’re in the process of trying to get our video entertainment online. So, without further ado, the Pomegranate Margatini. As the name implies, this is a martini recipe but it’s one that could totally work over ice.

Complements Food+Wine…
1 ½ ounce Tequila (silver is preferred)
1 ½ ounce Pomegranate juice

1 ounce Triple Sec

2/3 ounce Fresh lime juice

Pour ingredients into a chilled cocktail shaker or tumbler. Show ‘em some arm-to-shoulder action (count this as your Sunday exercise!). Pour into a chilled martini glass rimmed with coarse salt. Garnish with a twist of lime. Take outside. Sip in the sun. Dispense salty and sweet kisses.


Friday, April 18, 2008

Drink Tip #001-ICE-ICE BABY

As you will notice if you have been a prior visitor to our blog, we sometimes submit our own entries. Mers did the last one detailing our creamy & delicious “Blonde on Blonde Action” drink. I thought I’d share with you a little item I found that will keep your drinks extra chilly & really make that glass sweat when you turn up the heat.

For around four bucks I picked up these cute little “aqua cubes”.

It’s simplicity at its finest! Simply pop them in your glass of choice & put it in the freezer. Not only do you get the benefit of the frosty glass but these nifty little faux ice cubes will keep any tasty beverage extra cool. They’re also fun to plunk into one of our delicious martini concoctions to keep it chilled while consuming, yet not watering down the cocktail itself.

You can find these little “delights from the beverage gods” at many department stores. For the low retail price of about 4 dollars it’s certainly a worthy purchase in my humble opinion.

Now go to the fridge, pick out your favorite liqueur, put on some lounge-ish music & have a little libation relaxation!

***Notable-We’ve been promising to venture into the zany world of video bartending. Granted neither my girlfriend nor myself is going to mimic the fine artistry behind the bar as demonstrated by Tom Cruise in the classic film “Cocktail”. However, we believe strongly in our taste buds & therefore think that you will enjoy the beverages in spite of the “modestly skilled” preparation you will soon be able to view. Our video extravaganza is in the works so check back often and please feel free to comment.

Love everybody in the room,


Thursday, April 17, 2008


Without any further ado, the namesake drink. It’s a sipper, best enjoyed over ice and alongside someone equally delectable. I work a nightside shift and usually pull into my driveway at about 11:30 pm - the perfect time for a drink (and I usually need one by then, too). This is not an exotic drink or anything extravagant… but if you want something cool, creamy and with a bit of a relaxing kick, then you really can’t go wrong with some Blonde on Blonde Action. It’s my go-to.

You'll need:
1 ounce Vanilla Vodka
1 ounce Starbucks Cream Liqueur
1/2 ounce Starbucks Coffee Liqueur
1/2 ounce Butterscotch Schnapps
1 ounce strong coffee or espresso

Puttin' it together (bit by bit...)

This is not even worth numbering. Combine the liquor in a shaker with some ice, add a healthy splash of leftover coffee and give it a quick, brisk shake. Pour the contents over a chilled lowball glass filled with ice. Straw optional.

Girlfriend mandatory.


***We have some pretty strong feelings about the different coffee-based liqueurs. Please check back this week for some side-by-side comparisons. First up: Starbucks, the Sipper from Seattle VS reigning standard and Master of the Mudslide, Kahlua…

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So our blog’s name is a riff on an original drink recipe of ours. It would make sense to start with that drink (we’ll get to it soon) but for this inaugural recipe post, we want to offer something that will have you begging for more. The Carrot Cake Martini will do just that. Admittedly, our recipe was taken from one found through But when you find something this good, you’ve got to share. Hands down, this martini has it all: 1) it’s insanely simple, 2) it’s delicious and impeccably balanced and 3) it’s a bit of an aphrodisiac.

Get ready... to drink:
1 1/2 ounce Vanilla Vodka
1 ounce Butterscotch Liqueur
1/2 ounce Cinnamon Schnapps

Get ready... to rim:
Assorted drink paraphernalia
Cinnamon graham crackers
Granulated sugar
Cream cheese

Get ready... to ravage:

Ready? Set? Go!
1. Fill shaker half full with ice cubes and chips.
2. Add liquor. Nothing fancy here - just measure and pour.
3. Swirl and let stand while preparing martini glass rim.
4. Smear a small amount of cream cheese on the rim of your glass. Press into finely crushed graham and sugar.
5. Get that drink, give it a good shake, strain, pour and enjoy.

Love everybody in the room. Bye.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


or a starter guide to OUR bar.

Before we start throwing up drink recipes, we wanted to let you know there are some really quick and easy preparation techniques that we follow.

1. Frost all glasses, both those used for preparation and drinking. We’re talking martini glasses, shot glasses, shakers and highballs. The colder the better, unless it’s in bed with you.

2. Chill most liquors, particularly vodkas and cream-based drinks.

3. Use smaller chips of ice when possible. It’s simple science - a little collision theory at work. The more little pieces sidling up against one another, the more they will hit, chip and melt… and the colder your drink will get.

4. In general, we’re shakers. Not stirrers. (But sometimes we muddle). The key to shaking a great drink is looking for this:

 want to shake until you get a nice, frosty shaking vessel. And once poured, little frosty swirls should glisten on the surface of your drink.

Unless otherwise noted (and with the obvious exception of hot drinks), all of our recipes will employ these techniques. So if you want to do it just like us (how sweet!) keep these basics in mind.

Love everybody in the room. Bye.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


We'll use this post as a way of introduction and perhaps, for some, as a cultural/culinary taste of the South. So this weekend didn't suck... much. For those that may not be familiar with the fine art of crawfish consumption, let us enlighten you. The title of this blog refers to a method of extracting the meat from the mudbug (and there's not much there). We won't go into the gory details (you can read about it here) but suffice to say it's a messy, crude and delicious process made better by good friends, great music and a beer or cocktail or both -- much the same way this blog is meant to be enjoyed.

Anyway, as promised this post is meant to serve as a means of introduction. Blonde on Blonde Action is maintained by the two of us, from our home in Alabama. If you haven't put it together yet, that's us in the upper left hand corner of this website. You'll get to know us individually as we continue to post on various and sundry topics. But for now, you are getting the package deal. As we conceived this blog, we want to offer tasty drink recipes on a regular basis. But our plan also involved peppering those posts with anecdotes and random miscellany from our lives. And here's the thing: we know there are plenty of people doing this. But we promise they are not as hot as us. Where else can you find orgasmically good cocktail recipes and read about the adventures of two girls in love? And don't say

We hope to get a video element up and running soon; but as we tinker with our new electronic toys, you'll have to deal with some rudimentary posts.

Love everybody in the room. Bye.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Aperitif (n.) [ah-per-i-teef]

1. a small drink of alcoholic liquor taken to stimulate the appetite before a meal.

Hi, first off: thanks for visiting. Given we are new to the world of blogging and haven't promoted this site as of yet, heaven knows what drew you here and what you are expecting. Consider this our aperitif of sorts.

Our full menu of blogging fun (COMING SOON):

  • Cocktail recipes: this is really an excuse for us to drink and play at bartending. We hope to post frequent drink recipes, complete with hot, steamy video tutorials showing off our vast superiority in the fine art of mixology (and our complete ignorance in the way of bartending etiquette). But we can promise this: the drinks... will be good. Tasty even. In all seriousness, we'll stand by our recipes. They are tried and true (and most likely being sampled at the time of posting).

  • Slice of life: anecdotes, witticisms, and zany antics from our humble home in the heart of Alabama. All delivered in mixed media form and proving blonde, contrary to popular belief, is a synonym for MENSA member.

  • Shameless plugs: we have some pretty cool friends. And they are doing some pretty cool things that more people ought to know about. We'll try to reign this in, but from time to time, we hope to throw up some links and musings regarding our favorite people, places and activities.

Love everybody in the room. Bye.